Pacific Southwest FCA

Coaches Marriage Getaway

April 26-28, 2024  |  Huntington Beach  |  $295 per couple


Faith  |  Family  |  Finances

Coaching can be tough. So can marriage. The two combined are sure to put your best game plan to the test.  Sometimes, you need to take a timeout.  Coaches TimeOut is FCA's coaches marriage ministry designed to help coaches and spouses win where it matters most – at home.  If a timeout can change the outcome of a game, what can Coaches TimeOut do for your marriage?

Our Speakers

Tank and Sarah Ackerman

Sarah and Tank share their passion for healthy marriages and families by co-teaching Live the Life's flagship program, Adventures in Marriage. They have four beautiful children and make family time a priority in their household. They enjoy playing basketball, bike riding, traveling, board games, karaoke and watching football.

Our Worship Leader

Brandon Muchow

Brandon’s music and message have reached around the globe through concerts, conferences, mission trips and through churches that use his songs in worship.  Brandon currently serves as the Minister of Worship at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach, CA.

Our Location

The Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort

Set along the Pacific Ocean, The Waterfront Beach Resort offers a prime oceanfront location within walking distance of the landmark Huntington Beach pier and shopping and dining at Pacific City.

CTO events are designed to help you and your spouse

Reinvest Relationally

The craziness of coaching can weigh on your marriage. Spend quality time centered on quality conversations. Invest in what matters most-each other.

Rest Meaningfully

A timeout can shift momentum. A change of pace with a change of place provides a change of perspective. Evaluate the game plan of your marriage and make necessary adjustments to help you win at home.

Renew Spiritually

The heartbeat of CTO events centers on your faith journey. Transformation in your marriage is possible through Jesus Christ. Whether it's your first CTO event or you've lost count of how many you have attended, your faith will deepen through Christ-centered biblical teaching.

Schedule for the Weekend

(subject to change)


April 26

5:30pm - Check In
6:30pm - Session 1 


April 27

7:30am - Breakfast
9:00am - Sessions 2 & 3
1:00pm - Free time / Date night


April 28

7:30am - Breakfast
8:30am - Devotional
9:00am - Session 4

11:30am -  Farewell

Join us for this transformative and restful weekend!

Total cost for the weekend is $295.
Cost includes 2-night hotel stay, breakfast, speakers, fellowship, and fun!

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